ILM → ILM Level 4

Developing your Leadership Styles (406)

For people wanting to stand out within their workplace and gain new responsibilities, few things accelerate their careers like demonstrating superior leadership skills.

Leadership style refers to an approach taken by a particular leader. It might refer to a directive or commanding style or a participative or collaborative style. It might equally refer to a leader who has a visionary style or who is coaching-centered. Some leaders are prone to use one general style in almost all situations. Other leaders “flex” their style to meet the particular needs of each situation encountered.

It is important however, for the leaders to know what their main style preferences are, so that they can evaluate the likely effectiveness of that style in a given situation. Ultimately, the best leadership style may the one that's the most adaptable – a leader who's willing to move and bend his style to best fit into the situation.

The course is designed for experienced managers seeking to understand the leadership styles used in their own organization, and to develop their range of leadership styles, and apply these to differing work contexts and demands.

- Suitable For: First-line and Middle Managers
- 406 Developing People in the Workplace (5 credits)
- Course Duration: 20 Hours
- Certification: Download your Certificate on completion
- Additional Resources: Download Learners manual, additional articles and worksheets.
  • Developing your Leadership Styles 1 - Getting Started
  • Developing your Leadership Styles 2 - Understanding Leadership
  • Video - A Manager versus a Leader
  • Developing your Leadership Styles 3 - The Evolution of Leadership
  • Video - What is Leadership?
  • Developing your Leadership Styles 4 - Leadership Effectiveness and Performance
  • Developing your Leadership Styles - Quiz 1
  • Developing your Leadership styles 5 - Understanding Leadership Styles
  • Video - 3 Leadership Styles
  • Developing your Leadership Styles 6 - Situational Leadership
  • Video - Situational Leadership
  • Developing your Leadership Styles 7 - Using the Laissez Faire Style
  • Video - Laissez-Faire Leadership Style
  • Developing your Leadership Styles 8 - Using the Autocratic style
  • Video - Autocratic Leadership Style
  • Developing your Leadership Styles 9 - Using the Democratic Style
  • Video - Democratic Leadership Style
  • Developing your Leadership Styles - Quiz 2
  • Developing your Leadership Styles 10 - Transformational Leadership
  • Video - Transformational Leadership Theory
  • Developing your Leadership Styles 11 - Assessing your Leadership Effectiveness
  • Developing your Leadership Styles 12 - Wrapping-up
  • Developing your Leadership Styles - Quiz 3
  • Developing your Leadership Styles - Course Evaluation
Completion rules
  • You must complete 90.00% of the content